What a festive and fun weekend. Memorial day weekend shaped up to rock it steady in the Fry household. Finally, after nearly a year of inhabitation in our current unit, we hung some 'crap' [photos, etc] on the walls. What a stressor - seriously, how hard is it to throw some pics in a frame and pound a nail? I've thought many times of doing it or what i would like to put on the walls in different areas, but then i see an $80 price tag...even at Target - and i always pass on the purchase. Really, it's not that $80 is expensive, but i'd rather spend it elsewhere. We have a few choice pieces of art and then my homemade art...pictures of the goyles and hubby. Saturday, i was able to plant flowers [to inevitably kill, no doubt] and then go to the zoo.
Since we had to spend a mint to go to the zoo just one time, we decided to get a family membership. It's 5 minutes away from our house and the girls love it. Hey, maybe one of these days we'll actually get to the dolphin show in time to get a seat...something we've not been able to do in the last 2 visits. The new exhibit with grizzly bears and cougars will be opening this June so we hope to catch that...Macy is now very into taking pictures and due to my cheapskate attitude, this give me a little mini heart attack every time I hand over the digital camera. This picture is one that Macy took of me in my sassy "W" sweatshirt. She's really into taking pictures. I have another real jazzy one of my chest - of course that's my greatest asset and there are many people waiting for a shot. Here it is, folks. The wait is over. [i'm aware that you can't tell that's a photo of a girl - it's ok]
Speaking of assets...Ken shared his vast knowledge of wolverines at the zoo. After many details of how mean they are and all of the learning he's done on the discovery channel, he also shared that he 'thinks they're like cats and they just fall out of trees and don't get hurt and land on their feet.' It's true. He said it. Anyways, back to the membership - Clearly, we just need to have places to go that don't have so many softball bats and gloves...yes, that's right...they will get plenty of that - no doubt, i'll spend a lot of time at the concession stand and parks of these tourney destinations. Though, with Jorey's lack of desire to start walking on her own, it's still been pretty relaxing at the tourneys we've made it to. She sits contently in the stroller and then crawls around to ensure she's covered in georgia-red clay from head-to-toe before trying to eat the dirt or randoms on the ground. But, she only goes so far as long as I let her eat the dirt. NO, I DON'T LET HER EAT THE DIRT! After the worm eating expedition, though, she might as well.
Sunday, we had an impromptu little last minute BBQ. Abby Heilman and Macy got to go on a wagon ride with Heidi, but Abby much preferred chasing Harley around the house. I said I'd look after her for 1/2 hour and I think I burned 200 calories and lost her once. She's FAST!
I learned that the game where you throw the golf balls on strings on to the 3-tiered bars is also called teste toss and that the 'kid' on Ken's softball team that broke his finger a few weeks ago has now affectionately been penned 'McSausage Finger'. --also, I have to call this kid 'kid' because he's 24. Seriously, how did I get so old? Where is my youth. I used to be 24 and now I'm 'that 30-year-old woman married to that 33-year-old man with 2 kids'. Really, I used to think that was old. Here I am. So be it. Due to the fact that I was going to be up with the girls this morning, I held off on punishing myself with alcohol. I had 3 beers, got a nice little buzz, and woke up this morning with an ambitious attitude. Thank goodness - the house was in shambles with beer cans, pop cans, water, and snacks covering every surface parallell to the floor. It's a lot less painful to clean the bbq weinie crock pot if you don't try to drink a case the night before. NOTE TO SELF! BEHAVE! Because I was feeling so good, the girls and I even ran to the park. Ken [after emerging from bed because he did not follow the guidelines specified above to ensure my wonderous morning emersion] met us there with the Elmo kite we had purchased a couple weeks ago - waiting for just the right day. Well, Ken flew the kite and Macy flew that kite. How awesome and cute. I wish we would have had the camera - it was up as high as it could go and Macy was sprinting across the open park. Luckily, even through a couple nose dives, we were able to bring Elmo home with us. We'll go better equipped to the next Kite/Park outing so we can snap a couple pics. I don't think I've ever seen a smile that big.
And, next time we go, we'll be taking Payne with us - poor kid just wanted to fly that kite on Sunday and I finally had to tell him when he had asked me the 8th time in 5 minutes, "I don't want to hear about the kite again - we're not taking it out today but I will let you know when we're going to and you can come with." (what a beach!) So, I owe him. He was just REALLY excited about the kite.
Now, I'm exhausted and can't wait to go to bed! I love sleeping on nights like this - hate waking up mornings after! To work, to work, it's off to work I go. I need to sell LOTS of retrofits!
Side Note: Macy likes to stand behind me and 'fix my hair' while I'm on the computer. [this session is more like payback for every time I've done her wrong while fixing her hair] The session tonight was her pulling the bottom hairs and squeezing them really hard. I asked her what she was doing - even though I knew she was pretending to squeeze the water out of my hair after a bath - this creates tears every time --she replied, 'I'm just sweeping your hair out." Oh, good try honey. Close enough.