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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lutsen or Bust III

Again, we gathered at the mountain for some fun skiing and great times.  This year, we went up for 4 days.  Thursday thru Sunday.  It was a blast.  Our first year, 4 couples went.  We rented a 2 bedroom, 1-bathroom unit with a futon and an air mattress in the living room...insanity.  Beer + 1 bathroom=disaster. 
Last year, we stepped it up a notch with everyone having their own bedroom, other than the 2 couples that have to share the room with 3 beds.  3 bathrooms and 3 levels make for a much more enjoyable stay. 
We bring all of our own food and beverage so we can just veg out at the condo when we get back from our day of skiing.  It gets to be a long day out there on the slopes, but they shut them down at 4pm, so we get back to play games and have lots of fun nice and early.
The first night, we played Balderdash.  Amy smoked all of us, while Ken struggled to understand why nobody chose his "3 boys try to rescue a pig" movie.  The photo to the right will outline his creative stance.

We played a lot of wii, some cards, and talked smart.  Everyone had lots of laughs and got lots of good, fast skiing in while we were there.  The pictures say 1000 words.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Daddy, Do you have a football helmet?

They asked.  Luckily, we had cleaned out the basement so he could find it. 
They all enjoyed wearing it while we lounged around watching a little football.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

ugh...another year.

Some folks came out to celebrate ringing in one more year.  Heidi is (well, older than me :) and I turned 32 this year.  Oh, brother...
Due to these ladies in the photos below, I had a rather tough night!  Tay wondered why she likes to celebrate others' birthdays like they're hers.  The next morning, I wondered the same.  ouchie.
We dined at Wild Bill's in Apple Valley, bowled some masterful games and then listened to a rather silly band play some questionable music as they kicked and flailed...but, it was great for our entertainment.

You have a bigger butt than Daddy...

So, we're sitting down this morning to watch Shrek the Third.  Macy and Jorey want em to sit in the middle of them - so, I'm moving the footstool for the couch over and making my way over when Macy says,
"Mommy, get your big old butt over here."
I said, "Why does it have to be a big old butt?"
She said, " have a bigger butt than Daddy.".

Last night, she told me that I have to be nice to Daddy and asked me why I'm never nice to him.  I said, "I am nice to your Daddy - why do you say that?" 
"He tells us that you're not."

Oh, boy...He's in trouble.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's Play in all this snow for the last time in 2009

Well, there is an absolute over-abundance of snow on the ground this year.  We haven't been out much, due to our hectic schedules and the cold temps.  Yesterday, though, we were all caught up with our lives and the goyles and I went out to run around a bit.  Reginald was so happy to be out, as well, until we got in the back yard to try sledding down our little 3' hill.  I noticed as I ran through the yard that the snow was really deep and thought, "Wow, I'm really out of shape!"  - the snow was about 1' deep and I was winded after the first 20 steps...what a workout!.  Then, I took the girls down the little hill, turned around to pull them up and found Reg walking around in snow up to his belly - he kept trying to find a hard spot, but kept sinking...poor thing.  He finally made it out of the pit and had a great time pretending to be tough and chasing us around.  I love playing outside with him, it actually looks like he's smiling as he runs around with us all over the yard.  Macy loves him, Jorey doesn't want to have anything to do with him, but he still sneaks a few kisses in for her.  It's funny.  Jorey was not having fun at all until Macy started making snow angels, let her pull her in the sled, and then was "king of the jungle" on the big snow bluffs.  She was sliding down head first and just having a high ole time.  Jorey, then, realized that it could be a good time to get out and get playin'.  So, she finally did.
Happy New Year, everyone!