My little sassertons have provided me much entertainment and much stress in the last couple weeks. Here are a few of the highlights...
I HAVE A WIENER At Cub the other day, I was trying to just grab a few things. One of these things was bread. First, you should know that Macy and Jorey no longer want to ride in carts, they like to walk --which translates loosely into sprinting through the store, yelling, taking things off the shelves, and ultimately just giving their mom a panic attack --but, this was such a night that I figured they could walk. I was up for the challenge. While I was perusing the bread aisle, in search of our fave potato bread, I hear Jorey say (in a low voice), "Hey Mom, I've got a wiener." In shock and disbelief, I just kindof looked around - looked into the terrified face of the 20ish-year-old boy stocking the bread aisle, and said, "Come on.". She then proceeds to just grab the front of her pants, kindof bunch them out, walk with her legs together so it stays bunchy, and then struts along saying it again! I had to laugh inside, but wondered what that poor fella was thinking...2 year old, telling mom she has a wiener?!? He probably thought I was some sort of freaky crossdresser or something...I still can't figure out where that came from and I hope it never comes out again.
MY DAYCARE BOYFRIEND DOESN'T LIKE THAT SHIRT The other day, I'm getting Macy dressed and she tells me that she doesn't want to wear the golf shirt that I'm trying to sell the idea of wearing. She says, "No, Mom, Liam doesn't like that shirt." I say, "Well, how about this one" (a very similar style, just different colors) - She says, "No, Mom. I'm not even lying. Liam does not like that shirt. She kindof gets a little whimsical look on her face and says, "Really, Mom. It's true. He just does not like that shirt." I tried to inform her that boys shouldn't tell us what to wear and we can really do whatever we want, so if she likes the shirt, she should wear it. She was not convinced and chose to please Liam that day. I didn't think much about it until her daycare teacher, Miss Mandy, told me that Macy and Liam have a love-hate relationship where they play and hug one minute, and then fight the next. I brought up the discussion we had the week before, and Miss Mandy confirmed that Liam hates button shirts so much that one day when he spilled on his shirt and they tried to put a clean shirt with buttons on him, he threw such a fit, he wore a girl shirt home! It seems he's still her #1. ;)
She also informed me the other day that she would like to go on a honeymoon (because Shrek and Fiona went on one and I told her that when you get married, you get to go on vacation with your hubby and celebrate and they call it a honeymoon - true enough, huh?) - So, she waited 2 days until we were going to Target and she told me that she would like to marry Liam and go on a honeymoon with him. She then informed me that she would only marry him if he wanted to marry her because otherwise that wouldn't be any fun. She's so smart....
Last Saturday, Ken was down cultivating his hunting land for the big hunt...Oh, brother...and the girls and I took a rainy day trip to Lookout Ridge in Woodbury. It was fun and I ran into a friend-of-a-friend that I'd been out with a few times. She had her kids there, so it was a good time. It's a huge, tall, indoor climbing thingy with big slides, tunnels, a jumper, and all sorts of fun stuff. I did see Macy's evil side when a girl was sitting in one of the tunnels and Macy asked, "What are you doing there?! Get out of the way!" I couldn't believe it even came out of her mouth! So, we stopped, had to have a chat, and then continued on our way. Now, if you can picture this, these climbing zones are built really sturdy for (big butts like me), but they're small enough for 2-year-olds to get up and around. Imagine how much we held up traffic when we had to apologize to the scorned young girl, have a life lesson, and then maneuver all 5' 6.5" (yes, that's 6.5") of me up the little zones, while cheering Jorey on because she just wasn't so sure she wanted to keep going. Once at the top, we all went down the dark & curly slide together and laughed a lot. It was so much fun. We stayed for about 3 hours and got our $5 worth and went and rested. We spent Sunday cleaning our nasty house...it's almost like the cold, rainy weather has prompted a necessity to clean. Some in my house are probably happy to see that. I have anxiety! Oh, well...
Here are some shots of our adventures.
This picture was WAY at the top of the big tower...I was sweating and breathing hard after getting up there, had about 4 12-year-old boys up my butt, but we were taking that picture...so glad I did. Look how happy they are!
We were trying on our winter gear last night because both girls were supposed to have a field trip to an apple orchard today...yuk! So, we were trying to prepare with boots, umbrellas, mittens, winter coats, etc. They were both so excited to try on their stuff...yep - kindof dorky...wouldn't have it any other way