We've had a couple days with all of us at home, while Rosemount Elementary does their conferences. Grady's not sure what to do when his sassy sisters are home all day and they keep him up way more than he usually is when it's peaceful and quiet during our alone time. Yesterday, we took a trip to Burger King just to get out of the house. I regretted it a couple times. The girls were great... But, there were some "screamers" there. Now, I'm not one of those people that just thinks my kids are the best and everyone else's are annoying, but this time...they were...these kids would just yell and scream and make crazy loud yelling noises...I've just never seen a kid that can keep yelling and screaming about nothing for over an hour...Luckily, Grady slept through it and Macy and Jorey didn't seem to think it was as crazy as I did. We enjoyed our time out of the house, but I was happy to leave the screamer.
We've had some funny times together in the last few days. I swear the sleep deprivation is getting to me because there were many funny moments but I can only remember earlier today when Macy and Jorey were going to take a nap, due to excessive whining and tattling earlier - they were sentenced to a nap when I usually don't make them take one. I went up to check on them about 1/2 hour after they were supposed to sleep and found Jorey climbing the ladder to Macy's top bunk. Of course, when I walked in, she tried to throw Macy under the bus and said, "Macy said I should go up there."
I informed them that we wouldn't watch a movie with popcorn tonight if they didn't take a nap and if I heard them up again. Jorey, after a couple seconds of pondering this, asked me, "Mom, do you know everything?" I, of course, said "yes!" She, then said, "Well, would you know if we don't go to sleep?" I had to go with it, right? If I can keep her believing I know everything, I'm golden! The next time I checked on them, they were snoozing like little angels and there has been no whining or tattling since then. It's awesome.
wrestle-mania! |
Grady is nearly 3 weeks old. He's my sweet little man and I'm enjoying our time together to bond in peace and quiet, though, these last couple days have been way more entertaining than the usual. :) The girls were wrestling most of the day, today...
Grady's almost 3 weeks old. |
He got these cute booties from a friend at work. Jack's wife made them. She's talented!