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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas is almost here!

Well, it is almost here. Christmas. My favorite time of the year just gets more and more stressful as the years go by. As the list of people to buy for grows and the time to do it dwindles, I generally lose my mind. But, as luck would have it Auntie Nad came over and played for 4 hours today. I got my wrapping done. I only procrastinated on a few - waiting for more clever ideas to somehow jump into my head...but, some will definitely be disappointed again this year. Sorry in advance!

First things first...let's back up - way up! to the 8th of Nov when we took Heidi Fry out for her Bachelorette Party. Please enjoy the following: Heidi taking her first of many "I'm not taking shots" shots...She was purchasing them later in the night! She drank from a special "Ho Fo Sho" goblet all night and she was the Sho, that's Fo Sho! She and the gals sang a very special rendition of Amarillo by Morning...can you tell who was most excited to sing this?
She married Kyle, FINALLY, on Nov 14th. It was a beautiful ceremony. We were ALL in it, so it was a bit crazy, but fun. The girls were all dressed up with sassy hair and all. They had a blast at the dance and were very disappointed at the end of the night when they were too tired to know they were insane and had to go home. Here's one example of the meltdown.

Let's back up a little farther - Halloween. Macy was a ladybug princess and Jorey was the purple dragon. Macy was so jazzed about her costume, it made up for how un-jazzed Jorey was about hers. When I told her to smile for her first pic, she started flapping her arms like wings...dork! But, it was cute and hilarious.

Now, let's fast forward to current day. The day where I'm finally caught up with a couple of things and can update (since Halloween) on the blog. Recently, we've seen Jorey turn into a talking little lady. Some of her most entertaining things are:

Ce Ce - Macy

Cock-A-Loo - Cock a doodle doo

Bleep - Grape

Icky - Nuk

Blee - Blankie

I'm sure there are more, but why rack my brain on them!

Here's a fun video of her wearing her squeaky shoes that Orange Papa and Gramma got her. The first pair she wore made her cry. These just made her curious and prompted some stomping. And, here's a video of her trying her best to keep a piece of gum away from Natalie after raiding her purse. Quite the little sassafrass!

Macy is in love with Pink's song, "So What". She dances around the kitchen singing, "So What, I'm a Rock Star, Rock Star....Rock Star...So What". She's missing a few key words in the middle, but that's OK. I appreciate her passion for Pink's rockin' music.

As you saw on our Christmas card, we made a gingerbread house, here. Macy was and IS so proud of it, she can barely contain herself. A few weekends ago, my sisters and I made some X-mas cookies. It's the beginning of a wonderful tradition. And, it produced some extremely entertaining times. Macy used the rule of mom's younger days...Go big or go home. If you're not going to put 350 silver balls on each cookie, why bother?! You don't want anyone just eating those and not chipping a tooth...oh, no... pile it high! So, we caught this shot of some of her best.

I would like you to note the arms surrounding her work. "Hey world, these are mine and I want to make sure that you're aware of all of my splendor as I frame my masterpiece." She did also do that in the gingerbread house photo from the X-mas card. I. love. that.

About a week after cookie decorating, Ken had eaten all of the "plain and boring" cookies, so he ventured into Macy's collection. He commented on how beautiful it was and as she was discussing how she made it and why it was so awesome, all the while looking very pleased with herself, Ken ate the cookie and she was instantly devastated. She couldn't believe anyone could eat anything so beautiful...and those are for Santa. Luckily, Santa got his brace face off so he can eat those cookies this year. Dr. Rohrer would not be happy if I lopped off a bracket on an over-red-hotted cookie.

We did enjoy the 12-bars of X-mas on Friday night. I do have plenty of great shots from the eve. I'll have to try to get those up soon!

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