We love Bacation! (as Macy and Jorey would say).
The girls can't get enough of "stay at home days", so Ken and I decided to take off a night early and head up to The Lodge for some waterpark fun the night before arriving at Breezy Point to join in another festive Kath Family Fun Weekend.
The weather was a bit chilly and the sun sure didn't shine much, but between Jeff's fires, uncle Steve's secrets, and a number of other entertaining events, we had a great time. When you pack 35 people into one house, you're bound to have some entertainment.

Macy really wanted some goggles, so I bought her a pair. When I first put them on, they were so tight that one eye was pointing up and out...and another was smashed shut. This is when she was still being a good sport...before she realized I was taking pictures of her struggles.
She went down the big slide with thunder and lightning with Mom and Dad. She thought it was pretty cool. The first time down, she got to the top and threw a fit and cried...leave it to mean ole mom to just throw her in the tube and say, "There's no going back, now." She covered her eyes the whole way down and then laughed like crazy when we were done, saying how much fun it was.

Jorey, on the other hand, wasn't so into the water park and just likes to dip her toes in. After a while, she got brave and walked in. We were playing ball and splashing when all of the sudden, her feet went out from under her and she flipped forward into the water...we suffered quite a set back on that. "I want you to carry me" was repeated incessantly after that. She's a bit stubborn...no idea where that came from.

After arriving up at Breezy Point, we had to play a little pfeffer...and Orange Papa had to teach Macy, Jorey, and Norah how to play a little game of war...they did great and I don't think they fought at all! It was amazing.
Orange Gramma and Macy really enjoyed the Elvis show. He was a hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin' love! We all had a good time dancing on the beach and listening to him sing all of Elvis' greatest songs.
On the final day, we finally took a second to get a nice family photo...complete with the girls wearing their 'pack-packs'.

Following Kath Family Fun Weekend, we went up to Lake Osakis for Fry Family Fun Weekend. It was a good time and none of us wanted to go back to work or daycare!
I'll get those photos up, soon, but the Fry photos are updated on our shutterfly site through KFFW at