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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Macy Kathleen - 5 years old!

Macy, my big girl!  You're 5 today!  I know it's only one more year than 4, but 5 just sounds so old!  I'm sure it's just because I can't believe you're off to Kindergarten in less than a month.  I'm so excited and nervous for you to take this next step.  From here, Mom and Dad will get progressively less cool and you'll have other friends to entertain you.  That's OK, though, because you're going to have a blast.
I hope you'll still cuddle up with your old mom and watch movies, go for bike rides (you'll have to start riding on your own) and play games and read books with me.  I'll try not to have too many rules, but these are treacherous waters you are entering.  Luckily, I remember all that I learned on the bus and you won't be riding it, so that should save your naivity for an extra year or 2. 
I love you, sweetheart.  And, I hope you have a great day. 

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