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Monday, November 29, 2010

Dad's Deer: Where's the hair?

So, Ken shot a doe this year and brought it home to show the girls.  At the time he brought it home, he informed our little ladies that they were going to have the pleasure of eating that deer.  They had a lot of questions for me on whether or not they were actually going to have to eat it.  I said, "Not if you don't want to".  They didn't.  Well, Ken cooked dinner tonight and made venison ring bologna.  When he brought the packages of meat up from the basement, the girls were very traumatized and said, "I don't want to eat the deer.  Mom, do we have to eat the deer?"  I said, "We'll try it and see how it tastes."  So, with scrunched up noses, they sat down at the table with dinner.  Jorey looked at the meat on her plate and said, "Dad, is this your deer?"  He said, "Yes."  She replied, "Where's the hair?"  We laughed so hard.  No wonder they were SO traumatized.  Macy and Jorey both thought the deer would be eaten as a large, hairy wonder.  Poor things.  In the end, everyone ate Dad's deer, he was so happy, and dinner was excellent.  Mixing enough other meat, seasonings, and salt in with venison makes it quite tasty. 

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