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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You're a smart girl

"Here, Mom. Here's my baby. Hippos is a baby"
"Here, can you hold him?"
"Hey, you can read him this big book"
"Macy, I'm trying to work and hold Hippos. Could I maybe work and hold Hippos and you read the story?"
"What do you mean, No?"
"You do it."
"You're a smart girl..."

Not that I'm denying it, but really!?

The girls and I are home on a sick day's been very trying at times. Every time I try to pick-up the phone and talk to someone, there's a MAJOR that requires much screaming and both of them being held...then, pinching and needing hugs independently.
Oh, the trials of the working mom.

At lunch, Macy added a special feature to the day by painting her milk cup with blue yogurt. She mushed up her cheese stick and chicken and made pasty paint with the yogurt. Thanks, dear...I needed one more thing to do today...

...i will survive...i will survive...why is that song in my head?

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