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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today, they were lucky they're my most loved goyles...

"You're gonna miss this.  You're gonna want this back.  You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast...these are the good times.  So, take a good look around.  You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this."   --That song is perfect for today...listen as you read...great stuff and I'm sure it's true because I'm already missing them as I write this.  It's hard to have to be the one that teaches them lessons and tries to keep them from being brats...all the time. ;)
Here's how today went for me...

6am - Jorey arrives in our room - wants to sleep in our bed.  After 30 minutes of digging her toes into my stomach...must love the squishy toy?...she falls asleep.
7:40am - Macy arrives to join our bed.
8:00am - Cartoons come on in hopes of 30 minutes of can do.
8:20am - Fighting over everything in a toy bin - Jorey touching Macy - Macy punching Jorey - Jorey punching back - both screaming and crying that it was each other.
9:00am - Mary Ann asks me to join at the Farmer's Market
             We discuss going next time - I would have to bring girls - in Jammies - Decide they will wait for us
              to join.
10:00am - running quite late - grab some cash - Macy and Jorey are fighting over's's not worthy of a fight, but I guess it's probably necessary to fight over it because that's the kind of day we're going to have.
10:45am - Arrive at Minneapolis Farmer's Market - it's not a farmers market like anything I know - rather, a compact zoo of tight twists and turns...I have my double stroller + 2 goyles...slight anxiety.
11:00am - Hit the bathrooms - get many dirty looks and nearly take out appx. 20 people with stroller trying to get it up the ramp and park it to get in 3 stall bathroom.
11:15am - Make it into potty - Tell Macy and Jorey 32 times each - 'Do not open the door', while I'm going potty...they both unlock it one time.
11:30am - Find Sr. - he has mini donuts...sweet.  We finish his and have one order of our own + fresh squeezed OJ...spill donuts one time into the bottom of the stroller - that was partly my fault.
Noon - start wandering - wander a couple places trying to keep up with Mary Ann's hunt for the perfect Mums. - Lose her 2x - then, gather the girls and try to take a short walk through.  Get another 8 dirty looks, topped off with a woman who wanted to walk past us and had to wait the .0817 second for us to pass...loudly she says, "Damn Stroller!" - I feel like I want to start a fight with her, but that would be wrong...but would feel so right.
12:30pm - I decide there's not much I need and really should get my ginormous stroller out of the maze, so we head out to our car - that is parked on a curb because it's the only parking spot I could find.
1:00pm - finally have my sugar & cinnamon dunked goyles cleaned up and put in the car.
1:30pm - see Jorey falling asleep - ask her if she's sleepy.  "No, I am NOT sleepy!"
1:40pm - Jorey's sleeping in her car seat.
2:00pm - Arrive Home - Put kids to bed.
2:10pm - Go remind girls that they're supposed to be napping.
2:20pm - Go remind them again - Macy tells me she has to poop.  - OK, go.
2:25pm - Come to help Macy wipe, see brown stuff on carpet - ask what it is - Informant tells me "Jorey wiped her poop on the floor".  Jorey confirms that this is true. 
2:26pm - Change Jorey's Diaper - Get Carpet Cleaner - Clean Carpet - Discuss that we don't dig in our pants and wipe poop on the floor.
2:30pm - Put both girls back to bed.
2:45pm - Remove Jorey from Macy's room - warn of pending spanking
2:50pm - Remove again - apply light spanking
2:55pm - Remove again - apply 3 spankings -
3:10pm - Go to [still screaming] Jorey's room and calm her down - share with her that when I say it's nap time, it's nap time.  Rub her back a little bit, and give her hugs...let her know that I love her and that it's not OK to go in Macy's room when it's nap time.
3:30pm - take lounger chair on the deck and try to close my eyes for 20 minutes.
3:50pm - hear Jorey screaming 'Mommy' from the top of the stairs - tell her to come down - get told that she can't come down because she has too much stuff - baby, blankie, lion, etc.  Tell her, again, to come down.
4:15pm - Macy's up and wants to play in the pool - way too late for that.  Have discussion about how we could have played in the pool if they listened, but they didn't, so we just can't.
5:00pm - Take babies and strollers for a walk around the neighborhood.  Argue most of the time about whether or not they should or should not crash into one another - sometimes fun, sometimes not.
6:00pm - Put Mighty Joe Young in the DVD Player and relax with a nice TV Dinner. 
7:00pm - Dinner's done, talk about snacks - Macy says she wants to pick first, then Jorey wants to be first...sort it out.
7:30pm - Jorey wants to watch movie on the couch with Macy, but Macy says she can't because she stinks.  I ask Jorey if she pooped - 'No, I did not!', so who knows...maybe she does stink, but I thought she smelled fine.
8:30pm - Dad's finally home and I'm loving the silence as he puts them to bed.
9:15 - I'm going to take a bath!
Oh, I do love them, but today was a tough day for all of us!
Rewinding just a bit - Macy got some make-up kits for her birthday and she invited auntie Natalie and auntie Kenzie over for some make are a few shots of their unwavering beauty.  :)  Mackenzie had a large clump of orange 'sauce' on her eyelid for about 20 funny.  


  1. Sigh. It *is* crowded, especially on weekends. Navigating can be a challenge. Hope you'll come back!

  2. You mean I am not the only one who has those days!!;)


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