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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Feminine Supply or a Cheese Stick

So, the girls are curious.  Jorey is especially curious.  At a certain time of the month, they always want to know what's happening and I've been able to avoid any serious conversation, thus far, pertaining to any serious details.  The other day, I was unwrapping a certain, slender, feminine object...and Jorey walks up with a smile on her face and asks, "Mom, are you eating a cheese stick?" 
Boy, oh, boy....


  1. I laughed out loud at this! At least you've got girls. I can only imagine what my boys will ask me down the road...

  2. HA! I will now think of them as cheese sticks every time! ;)
    I agree with Veronica - not even sure where to go with it with boys...hopefully it never comes up! ;)


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