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Monday, December 14, 2009

A High, and then a Low...

This morning, I was getting ready for work and I had this sweater dress-type thingy on.  It tends to protrude in all the wrong places...
Macy says, "Mommy, you look beautiful!".
Then, she follows it with, "You look like you have a baby in your belly." 

Good stuff.

btw - Both girls prematurely opened a gift after realizing some were finally wrapped under the tree.  I was folding clothes on Saturday and heard paper tearing and all sorts of shocked gasps --you would have sworn there were 5 kids in our living room. 
I ran to the room to find both girls hovered over their princess horse with princess barbie.  I threatened that elfie is watching and that he'll tell santa if they open any more until mom and dad say they can on Christmas morning.  Later that day, little miss sassy-pants (jorey) ripped open one and blamed Macy with a totally straight face.  We're in trouble.............

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