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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Random stuff

Jorey is totally her Mom's daughter.  There are many reasons for this, but this pic illustrates her need for sleep.  When she's tired, she sleeps.  If we sit down to watch a movie - even if she likes it - she curls up on one of our laps and goes to sleep.  She just can't stay awake.  Here she is snoozin' with Dad.

Reginald has been steadily improving.  He's shedding the last of the scabs from his wounds...and, he seems to be feeling better.  He still seems to have some joint or muscle issues, as he slops his water all over when trying to drink, and seems a bit slower up the stairs sometimes, but he's also just an old man. 

And, we found the best little craft kit (or, should I say, the Easter Bunny did) with tubes of glitter paint to make suncatchers.  They turned out great and they didn't even make a mess.  Macy was in heaven.  Jorey helped, too...but, this was right up Macy's alley.

The girls crack me up when they play house.  They now get their heels on and say they're going to "the mall of america", which is our kitchen.  Such nerds.  Here's Jorey with her baby, Hunter.

Ken put up a basketball hoop.  It's the mother of all home hoops.  This was a slight obsession for a while and the hoop was hindering the ability to focus on other household tasks.  When it finally arrived, it was realized that we needed LOTS of concrete to anchor its mass.  We had to hire someone to come over and dig the hole and fill the concrete.  Luckily, Mark was available to assist in putting the base in and all was well.  The hoop went up and the games began.  The girls love working on their dribbling and shooting, while Dad has started a score tally in the garage for one-on-one games and horse/pig competitions.  If you stop by, you'll notice that he's the reigning champ for these...thus, the likely reason for the tally on the wall. ;)
However, he better be careful because by the looks of these videos, the girls are going to get some mad skills...well, we'll see about that.
Basketball Videos

Here, Here

And, Grady got a new seat with toys that he gets VERY serious about playing with.  See that video Here.

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