Well, you'll see a quiz over to the right, here. One that could be as troubling to you as it was to me...but, I don't want to ruin the quiz by giving you the answer right now. Macy has started the sucking of the snot through the nose and then the obvious swallow. I gag every time. What is it that makes people really want to do this? This is one of those times when I struggle to remember she's only 3 and doesn't realize how gross that is! Friday night, we let the boys go out and raise a ruckus, while the moms and kiddos played. Misty, Laura and I enjoyed some classy wine in a box. White Zin. They were dazzled by the elegance of it all. Yellow Gramma even stopped by for a little sip of the good stuff. The kids played all day. They loved running around and taking out EVERY toy we own. But, they did help put away so it was pretty cool. Macy and Jorey now have new friends in Abby, Brandon, and James. We played so hard that some didn't make it through the 10pm showing of Little Rascals...Macy's favorite movie. She has a crush on Butch, who is the bad boy. I don't know why she couldn't choose the dorky, sweet little alfalfa. If this continues, Ken's going to have his hands full in a few years.
The girls all dressed up in high heel play shoes and wrapped their blankies around themselves like dresses. They said they were princesses. How funny - Here they are "cheesing".

On Sunday, our family enjoyed the MN Zoo and "Under the Sea" at the Imax theatre. It was supposed to be 3D, but Macy and Jorey were not going to wear their sassy specs for very long. I'm wondering if they made these specs large enough...I'm not sure anything smaller would have covered my eyes!
Well, regardless, we had a great time. When Macy was wearing her specs, she was reaching out trying to touch the fish and SNAKES as they swam toward us. It was really entertaining.
Macy told her dad the other day, that when she's mommy's age, she wants to have 2 babies and name them Mitz and John. Hilarious. I'm not sure where she comes up with this. She's also named her babies Bandy a lot...where did Bandy come from?
Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend! Nice glasses. I would like to get a pair!