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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fun in the Sun

While Dad played softball, Macy, Jorey, and I had a fun and busy weekend.  First, we went to Melissa's house with Nina.  Macy and Jorey played on the beach for about 4 hours straight.  They were so good.  Then, we went out to eat and back for a few games of Pfeffer before they passed out while watching Robots.  On Sunday, we stayed home and played in the pool, ran through the sprinkler, and I finally got my flowers planted...sheesh.  We have the most ghetto landscaping and had dead flowers still in pots in the back yard...hello, white trash!  Oh, well.  I fixed it and plan to get the rest of the landscaping done later this summer, so hopefully next Spring and Summer will yield a better visual experience when peering at our home.

Macy and Jorey said, "Mom, take a picture of us while we do our booty shake and make funny faces."
And, Jorey had to wear goggles to go in the sprinkler.  Hey...whatever works!

1 comment:

  1. please...whatever it takes...make sure Jorey always wears those goggs!!


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