While Dad played softball, Macy, Jorey, and I had a fun and busy weekend. First, we went to Melissa's house with Nina. Macy and Jorey played on the beach for about 4 hours straight. They were so good. Then, we went out to eat and back for a few games of Pfeffer before they passed out while watching Robots. On Sunday, we stayed home and played in the pool, ran through the sprinkler, and I finally got my flowers planted...sheesh. We have the most ghetto landscaping and had dead flowers still in pots in the back yard...hello, white trash! Oh, well. I fixed it and plan to get the rest of the landscaping done later this summer, so hopefully next Spring and Summer will yield a better visual experience when peering at our home.
Macy and Jorey said, "Mom, take a picture of us while we do our booty shake and make funny faces."
And, Jorey had to wear goggles to go in the sprinkler. Hey...whatever works!
please...whatever it takes...make sure Jorey always wears those goggs!!