Then, today happened. Two of my favorite moments, to date, since becoming a parent. First, we went outside to play today for about an hour...too cold to stop and quit moving, so we just ran around and went for a walk, and then played in the back yard on (what Macy & Jorey call) the park. Macy was climbing over one of the walls and got stuck in an uncomfortable situation...I helped her get off and she looked up at me and kindof had a half smile when she told me, "I smashed my balls!".
"Huh?". Before I could respond with anything intelligent, she asked,
"Mommy, what are balls?"
"Boys have them and girls don't."
"Where" Now, I know I shouldn't have, but really - what is a mystery going to do but make her look like a moron in 12 years when she never thinks to ask again, I forget I told her a strange story, and she then tells her friends that boys have balls in their ears...or some other version of innocent ball talk. I one time believed that Worchestershire Sauce got it's name because I guy walked into a bar and said, "What's this here sauce." Not kidding. My dad probably told me that when I was 4 and then I was 25 when I re-told the darn story...now it's likely that the whereabouts of male anatomy is going to spring up in conversation before Worchestershire sauce, but you get my drift. So, I simply stated that their balls are by their wieners. I know...I'm a bad mom. But, she was satisfied with the answer and just curled up her nose. Then she asked if an unnamed 5-7 boys have balls. I said, "All boys do. We don't really need to talk about that, though...those things are private." Oh, brother.
"Huh?". Before I could respond with anything intelligent, she asked,
"Mommy, what are balls?"
"Boys have them and girls don't."
"Where" Now, I know I shouldn't have, but really - what is a mystery going to do but make her look like a moron in 12 years when she never thinks to ask again, I forget I told her a strange story, and she then tells her friends that boys have balls in their ears...or some other version of innocent ball talk. I one time believed that Worchestershire Sauce got it's name because I guy walked into a bar and said, "What's this here sauce." Not kidding. My dad probably told me that when I was 4 and then I was 25 when I re-told the darn story...now it's likely that the whereabouts of male anatomy is going to spring up in conversation before Worchestershire sauce, but you get my drift. So, I simply stated that their balls are by their wieners. I know...I'm a bad mom. But, she was satisfied with the answer and just curled up her nose. Then she asked if an unnamed 5-7 boys have balls. I said, "All boys do. We don't really need to talk about that, though...those things are private." Oh, brother.
Fast-forward today to a time when we're going down for naps. Every time I put them down, Jorey trots over to Macy's room, they take out every stuffed animal and book that her room holds and have a little pow wow on Macy's bed. (side note, Jorey told me her first lie on Friday when she stated that she had slept and woke up --later, after consulting with my eldest, they did not sleep and played the entire time - I have now wisened up and go up there 3 times in the first 15 minutes to confirm that they are in their rooms, as they should be). So, I go up to find her heading back to her room to get more "goodies" to pile on Macy's bed and I get her back in her own bed. I go back in to tell Macy to get to sleep and she wants a kiss. We have quick smooch and she says, "No, I want to give you another one." So, she grabs my face with a hand on both face and pushes her lips up against mine and then kindof twists her head - the smooch lasted about 4 seconds. Then, she pulls away and says, "There, now I gave you a married kiss like you give Daddy." wow...I love my kids. Can I keep them this age for all time? Na...I'm sure there's more good stuff coming. I can't wait to see what's next.