Macy took her first shower. My little, sensitive Sally, who generally has a bit of a panic attack when water gets in her eyes, just took a shower 2 hours ago. She smiled the whole time and embraced the whole ordeal. Even when the water was flowing down her face, she smiled. Amazing. I'm now just remembering my fascination with mowing the lawn. It would be 'so fun' I had said. I dreamed of one day cutting the grass. Maybe this sense of pride and accomplishment is similar to that desire that I once had and because it's new, it seems like a treasure that first time. Who knows, but it made me laugh out loud a couple times because you could tell she was happier than a bird with a french fry to be taking it, rather than the bath. Nice work, Macy. You're a big girl! And, speaking of big girls, I can't leave out my little lady Jorey. She is an official panty wearer. That was the first sentence out of her mouth to everyone at our Kath Thanksgiving gathering at Great Granny Kay and Papa Eddie's house. They would say, "Well, hello Jorey! How are you?". She would respond, "I'm wearing panties.". ha ha. So fun. And, I have to say...she really did a doozy on me when she caused the "Pile and the skid mark" from the previous post, but this was the end. She has been dry nearly every morning and has yet to have an accident at daycare or during waking hours. It's unbelievable. It makes me happy! I love you goyles so much...and I'm proud of every big step you're taking toward becoming our little ladies!
Love the pictures! So cute. The girls are getting so big.