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Sunday, November 8, 2009

The day that began like many others

I woke up early to Macy requesting a spot in my bed.  OK - get in here.  Dad's gone deer hunting, so why not.  About 2 hours later and 12 requests by Macy to get out of bed and go downstairs later, at 7:30am, Jorey walks into our room.  I know she's there, but just wait to hear what she has to say...and this is what I heard.  This is what I heard when I didn't even want to have to get out of bed, yet...
"Mom, I pooped in my pull up.".
"It was an accident"
I roll over to look at her standing in front of me with the strangest expression.  It was not one of fear or frustration, but one of matter-of-fact.  "I did it.  It's done.  What's next."
She then states, "There's poop in my bed."  So, that leads me to believe that she likely touched this poop and now she's twirling her hair. 
"Did you touch the poop?"
Out of we go...let's have a looksey. 
Oh, man...there's a pile of poop in the middle of the bed.  A skid coming off the bed, a few "wipe marks" on the comforter, and a poopy hand...still twirling hair.
Forget that we had a bath last night...we're having another, princess poopy-pants...get in the bathroom. 
A few things since this happened...
1.  Don't buy Target pull-ups.  Ya, they're cheaper, but if your kiddo should poop in them, the poop spills! out. 
2.  Get rid of the diaper pail that smells like death...worse than death.  It needs to go.  And, it may be extra incentive to never "accidentally" poop in your pull up some morning when you should wake up and tell mom, but it seems easier to poop in your pants.  It's early on in potty training and you know Mom will chalk it up to an accident.   Diaper pail = trash.  Gone.
3.  Who am I kidding.  Those sheets had to be changed was an incentive program to do it.  Thanks, Jorey.

There were more fun events from the weekend, but I'm busy laundering.  I'll post on those little deets later on.  In parting, I say this to you...Don't let your kids save their good stuff for when dad leaves on a hunting trip and you're left alone to suffer!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you marked up the photo where the pile and skid mark are located. Too funny!


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