Last night, Ken and I laughed so hard. First, we laughed because the New Kids On The Block are trying to come back. It's not funny that they're trying to come back and not funny that they're singing the songs they are because they do have some legitimate talent. However, it IS funny that they are implementing the silliest dance moves ever known to teeny-bopper boy-bands that I've ever seen. In spite of that, Joe Mcentire (sp?) made quite an impression on Macy. While watching, she said "I like the pink one."
"I want the pink one to touch my hair."
Ken continued to quiz her on what she was talking about. Then, he rubbed her hair and asked, "Do you want him to rub your hair like this?"
"Ya. I want the pink one to rub it like that." It was FUNNY and I have no idea where the hair rubbing came from, but it was good times.
Ken informed her that there will be no "hair rubbing" for at least 15 years. :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Yum Yum Yum
So, last night, Jorey and I were reading one of her little Dora books. The book has just one picture per page with one word. The first page was cake. We opened the book, said "cake" and then she said, "yum, yum, yum" in a low little voice. It was funny.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I found these shirts at Target in the little boys section and had to buy them. They make me laugh every time I look at them. I tried them on the girls just to be certain they would be keepers and when I said, "go over there and stand by the wall so I can take a picture", they went over there and both yelled "Cheese" at the same time. They're starting to play together and do many more things in unison...they're also starting to fight with each other...but, the playing is going great. 
We're walking in the Waseca parade with Kory today. My cousin Kory Kath is running for state rep in Owatonna. As a person who generally dislikes politicians for the reasons that are obvious, this year, I'm finding myself very fond of many of them. I dislike the dirty, slandering races - ones where the opponents put out all sorts of bad against their opponents in hopes to get the votes. Maybe it's knowing that Kory is running for all the RIGHT reasons that has skewed my view...or, maybe it's that we really have some good people running right now and that I'll just have to choose the one that seems to BE the best politician for our country. I like to see someone that says, "I just want to help and I'm not in it for limelight it will likely bring me."
While reading the comments on every article published in Owatonna, I read comments from "Sonny". Sonny needs to get a life. I can pretty much guarantee that whoever this man is, he is the greatest sinner of all of us. He likely lives a life so out-of-line with Christianity that it's ridiculous, yet he's doing his best to try and promote a republican candidate because of all his hypocritical views. I certainly hope the voters of Owatonna can see what a great person Kory is and that, while I'm sure Tom's a great person too, how much energy does he really have for making a difference? How much does he really know about the struggles that young workers are facing every day? Is he in touch with business owners (not the rich and mighty), but the small or struggling? In my opinion, if you choose the best man, you choose your best candidate. You may not agree with every view, but you can know that a team player with a proven track record is going to go the extra mile to make some changes happen and do what's best for the majority. That is what we all need and that's what Kory will bring. He has already brought that to many, many organizations that he's been a part of. Go Kork!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Extreme sadness
I got a call today. This morning. Heidi called to talk to Macy and then let me know that Ella's tumor is back. It's back and it's bigger than it began. I can't really imagine the feelings that the family is having. This is terrible news for them and likely means a really awful next few months. When I consider this situation, my heart hurts. I can't really breathe, and I think of how I would handle something like this happening to me. Then, I eventually come to the realization that something like this can't happen to me because I simply wouldn't make it. Here is the post from Ella's site on Friday. Get your kleenex.
This is not an entry I ever wanted to write, but as I sit here with tears streaming down my face and my heart broken I am absolutely devasted to tell you that the tumor that invaded our little Ella HOPEs head 9 months ago is back and not only is it back it is bigger then it was at diagnosis. We have no idea where to turn now or what to do. All I know is I lost my first little girl 9 1/2 years ago and now I am facing loosing my pooh bear, the little girl who brought so much HOPE to my life on January 12, 2001. The little girl who never would hurt a fly, who loves to be goofy and make people laugh, the little girl that I love more than I love myself.
I can't even begin to understand this. Please pray, pray for Ella, pray for me to be able to keep it together so she is not scared or worried about me. Pray for Caden who has no way of understanding the magnitude of what he may face. Pray for peace and for strength for John and I as we make some difficult decisions. We have made it this far because of all the love and support that we have received from all of you. I truly believe that she is a miracle!
Then, from the site, I did remember little Mariah from an earlier post. What a mistake it was to go to that site and read more about this tragedy...but, for obvious reasons, this just made me want to hug my little goyles! ...and that's never a bad thing.
...We just take our kids for granted that they will be here forever and you’ll have all the time in the world to play, color and just take them all in. I believed she would get better and that I’d have that time. I believed that until we saw the MRI in June and all the symptoms that followed weekly. I knew in my heart that we needed to spend the summer loving her and making her comfortable. Even though we went to Chicago, we chose to do a less harsh chemo so that she could still enjoy life. I hope she did. I hope that she didn’t pass thinking I was doing something horrible to her and robbing her of time with her sister and daddy. She told us by her actions that she didn’t like going to Chicago. I just thought it was Mariah being Mariah and that she would eventually love to take the trips with mommy. I really did think she hated it and I feel awful we made her go through that. That is one of the things I feel guilty about. The other is that I always treated her still like a 4 yr old. I never spoiled her. If she was sassy I would punish by sending her to her room or taking away a toy. I don’t know if that was right or not. I thought by not treating her any different she wouldn’t feel any different. She still acted like a 4 yr old…but looking back it was because she felt awful from all the drugs we were giving her. But how do you balance that with another child looking on thinking that we like her little sister better than her. Mariah always told me I yelled too much. I wish I could have that time back and do it over. I wish I wouldn’t have yelled so much. I wish I would have spent more time coloring or playing on the floor with her with her Barbie dolls or Polly Pockets. I focused so much on searching for a cure that I didn’t realize all she needed was me to play with her. I hope she knows how much I miss those times we did play together or snuggle in bed…I just wish I would have had more time to do it more often...
A later post mentioned that she already got a sign from her lost little girl. She said that she got up and made her tea --and while stirring in the sugar, the bubbles made a heart. But, not a perfect heart because Mariah's hearts were always a little "off".
Sorry to share such sad news, but I wanted everyone to know about Ella - last time I mentioned her, it was to share some great news. And, if that information has the same effect on everyone else reading this, we'll all be giving some extra hugs and coloring some extra pictures in the weeks ahead.
This is not an entry I ever wanted to write, but as I sit here with tears streaming down my face and my heart broken I am absolutely devasted to tell you that the tumor that invaded our little Ella HOPEs head 9 months ago is back and not only is it back it is bigger then it was at diagnosis. We have no idea where to turn now or what to do. All I know is I lost my first little girl 9 1/2 years ago and now I am facing loosing my pooh bear, the little girl who brought so much HOPE to my life on January 12, 2001. The little girl who never would hurt a fly, who loves to be goofy and make people laugh, the little girl that I love more than I love myself.
I can't even begin to understand this. Please pray, pray for Ella, pray for me to be able to keep it together so she is not scared or worried about me. Pray for Caden who has no way of understanding the magnitude of what he may face. Pray for peace and for strength for John and I as we make some difficult decisions. We have made it this far because of all the love and support that we have received from all of you. I truly believe that she is a miracle!
Then, from the site, I did remember little Mariah from an earlier post. What a mistake it was to go to that site and read more about this tragedy...but, for obvious reasons, this just made me want to hug my little goyles! ...and that's never a bad thing.
...We just take our kids for granted that they will be here forever and you’ll have all the time in the world to play, color and just take them all in. I believed she would get better and that I’d have that time. I believed that until we saw the MRI in June and all the symptoms that followed weekly. I knew in my heart that we needed to spend the summer loving her and making her comfortable. Even though we went to Chicago, we chose to do a less harsh chemo so that she could still enjoy life. I hope she did. I hope that she didn’t pass thinking I was doing something horrible to her and robbing her of time with her sister and daddy. She told us by her actions that she didn’t like going to Chicago. I just thought it was Mariah being Mariah and that she would eventually love to take the trips with mommy. I really did think she hated it and I feel awful we made her go through that. That is one of the things I feel guilty about. The other is that I always treated her still like a 4 yr old. I never spoiled her. If she was sassy I would punish by sending her to her room or taking away a toy. I don’t know if that was right or not. I thought by not treating her any different she wouldn’t feel any different. She still acted like a 4 yr old…but looking back it was because she felt awful from all the drugs we were giving her. But how do you balance that with another child looking on thinking that we like her little sister better than her. Mariah always told me I yelled too much. I wish I could have that time back and do it over. I wish I wouldn’t have yelled so much. I wish I would have spent more time coloring or playing on the floor with her with her Barbie dolls or Polly Pockets. I focused so much on searching for a cure that I didn’t realize all she needed was me to play with her. I hope she knows how much I miss those times we did play together or snuggle in bed…I just wish I would have had more time to do it more often...
A later post mentioned that she already got a sign from her lost little girl. She said that she got up and made her tea --and while stirring in the sugar, the bubbles made a heart. But, not a perfect heart because Mariah's hearts were always a little "off".
Sorry to share such sad news, but I wanted everyone to know about Ella - last time I mentioned her, it was to share some great news. And, if that information has the same effect on everyone else reading this, we'll all be giving some extra hugs and coloring some extra pictures in the weeks ahead.
Jorey continues to push the limits and just be "the boss" around here. She has affectionately been named "the bruiser" by orange gramma and yellow papa states, "That Jorey is something else." With an older sister that listened to rules and was scared to break them, we find ourselves in a state of confusion over our the bruiser. Here are a series of videos detailing what happens every night when she's done with dinner. The more you tell her no, the more she does it. In the last video, she's a dead ringer for Chucky. It's more than a little creapy.
Macy really was curious about a bra and how it works and what the deal is. Luckily, it's still too big on her. I figure I've got about 5 years before that's not the case so I best savor it. Jorey has grown very attached to her blanket that her great auntie buggie made for her. She needs to take her "B" with her wherever we go and it helps her fall asleep as soon as we hand it to her.
Today, we're off to Septemberfest at Dakota County Technical College. It's a free festival. I planned to take the girls yesterday, but with all the rain, we just didn't make it. Maybe the sun will grace us with it's presence today.
Macy's been having fun watching her new favorite movie The Waterhorse. I highly recommend this one. It was funny and sad and all the good stuff. Macy didn't get the ending so she kept asking me questions and I was crying and trying to answer them. The poor thing was so confused when I was crying during this wonderous film!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thong, Tha Thong, Thong, Thong
"Mom, your underwear are up your butt."
"Yep - I know."
"Let's just pick them out."
"No, Macy, this is one of those times when we don't touch someone else in their privates. That's one of the places we don't touch."
"But, why do you have your underwear up there?"
"I just wear different ones."
"It's just better with most of my pants because my butt's bigger."
...while smirking...
"Mom, that looks funny..."
"I know..."
giggle, giggle, giggle...
"I don't think you should have them up your butt."
"These are valid concerns and I appreciate them, but I just have to wear these. What are you going to do at daycare today?"
That was the conversation had last Friday morning when she woke up at 5am and would not go to sleep with Ken. I swear, that kid can run on 6 hours of sleep and have no issues with it...stinker. I wish I were that way.
I do have plans to update the site and get all sorts of new stuff posted tomorrow, but since I went out and played glow golf last night, I need rest.
"Yep - I know."
"Let's just pick them out."
"No, Macy, this is one of those times when we don't touch someone else in their privates. That's one of the places we don't touch."
"But, why do you have your underwear up there?"
"I just wear different ones."
"It's just better with most of my pants because my butt's bigger."
...while smirking...
"Mom, that looks funny..."
"I know..."
giggle, giggle, giggle...
"I don't think you should have them up your butt."
"These are valid concerns and I appreciate them, but I just have to wear these. What are you going to do at daycare today?"
That was the conversation had last Friday morning when she woke up at 5am and would not go to sleep with Ken. I swear, that kid can run on 6 hours of sleep and have no issues with it...stinker. I wish I were that way.
I do have plans to update the site and get all sorts of new stuff posted tomorrow, but since I went out and played glow golf last night, I need rest.
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