I found these shirts at Target in the little boys section and had to buy them. They make me laugh every time I look at them. I tried them on the girls just to be certain they would be keepers and when I said, "go over there and stand by the wall so I can take a picture", they went over there and both yelled "Cheese" at the same time. They're starting to play together and do many more things in unison...they're also starting to fight with each other...but, the playing is going great. 
We're walking in the Waseca parade with Kory today. My cousin Kory Kath is running for state rep in Owatonna. As a person who generally dislikes politicians for the reasons that are obvious, this year, I'm finding myself very fond of many of them. I dislike the dirty, slandering races - ones where the opponents put out all sorts of bad against their opponents in hopes to get the votes. Maybe it's knowing that Kory is running for all the RIGHT reasons that has skewed my view...or, maybe it's that we really have some good people running right now and that I'll just have to choose the one that seems to BE the best politician for our country. I like to see someone that says, "I just want to help and I'm not in it for limelight it will likely bring me."
While reading the comments on every article published in Owatonna, I read comments from "Sonny". Sonny needs to get a life. I can pretty much guarantee that whoever this man is, he is the greatest sinner of all of us. He likely lives a life so out-of-line with Christianity that it's ridiculous, yet he's doing his best to try and promote a republican candidate because of all his hypocritical views. I certainly hope the voters of Owatonna can see what a great person Kory is and that, while I'm sure Tom's a great person too, how much energy does he really have for making a difference? How much does he really know about the struggles that young workers are facing every day? Is he in touch with business owners (not the rich and mighty), but the small or struggling? In my opinion, if you choose the best man, you choose your best candidate. You may not agree with every view, but you can know that a team player with a proven track record is going to go the extra mile to make some changes happen and do what's best for the majority. That is what we all need and that's what Kory will bring. He has already brought that to many, many organizations that he's been a part of. Go Kork!
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