"You're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back. You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast...these are the good times. So, take a good look around. You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this." --That song is perfect for today...listen as you read...great stuff and I'm sure it's true because I'm already missing them as I write this. It's hard to have to be the one that teaches them lessons and tries to keep them from being brats...all the time. ;)
Here's how today went for me...
6am - Jorey arrives in our room - wants to sleep in our bed. After 30 minutes of digging her toes into my stomach...must love the squishy toy?...she falls asleep.
7:40am - Macy arrives to join our bed.
8:00am - Cartoons come on in hopes of 30 minutes of silence...no can do.
8:20am - Fighting over everything in a toy bin - Jorey touching Macy - Macy punching Jorey - Jorey punching back - both screaming and crying that it was each other.
9:00am - Mary Ann asks me to join at the Farmer's Market
We discuss going next time - I would have to bring girls - in Jammies - Decide they will wait for us
to join.
10:00am - running quite late - grab some cash - Macy and Jorey are fighting over water...it's water...it's not worthy of a fight, but I guess it's probably necessary to fight over it because that's the kind of day we're going to have.
10:45am - Arrive at Minneapolis Farmer's Market - it's not a farmers market like anything I know - rather, a compact zoo of tight twists and turns...I have my double stroller + 2 goyles...slight anxiety.
11:00am - Hit the bathrooms - get many dirty looks and nearly take out appx. 20 people with stroller trying to get it up the ramp and park it to get in 3 stall bathroom.
11:15am - Make it into potty - Tell Macy and Jorey 32 times each - 'Do not open the door', while I'm going potty...they both unlock it one time.
11:30am - Find Sr. - he has mini donuts...sweet. We finish his and have one order of our own + fresh squeezed OJ...spill donuts one time into the bottom of the stroller - that was partly my fault.
Noon - start wandering - wander a couple places trying to keep up with Mary Ann's hunt for the perfect Mums. - Lose her 2x - then, gather the girls and try to take a short walk through. Get another 8 dirty looks, topped off with a woman who wanted to walk past us and had to wait the .0817 second for us to pass...loudly she says, "Damn Stroller!" - I feel like I want to start a fight with her, but that would be wrong...but would feel so right.
12:30pm - I decide there's not much I need and really should get my ginormous stroller out of the maze, so we head out to our car - that is parked on a curb because it's the only parking spot I could find.
1:00pm - finally have my sugar & cinnamon dunked goyles cleaned up and put in the car.
1:30pm - see Jorey falling asleep - ask her if she's sleepy. "No, I am NOT sleepy!"
1:40pm - Jorey's sleeping in her car seat.
2:00pm - Arrive Home - Put kids to bed.
2:10pm - Go remind girls that they're supposed to be napping.
2:20pm - Go remind them
again - Macy tells me she has to poop. - OK, go.
2:25pm - Come to help Macy wipe, see brown stuff on carpet - ask what it is - Informant tells me "Jorey wiped her poop on the floor". Jorey confirms that this is true.
2:26pm - Change Jorey's Diaper - Get Carpet Cleaner - Clean Carpet - Discuss that we don't dig in our pants and wipe poop on the floor.
2:30pm - Put both girls back to bed.
2:45pm - Remove Jorey from Macy's room - warn of pending spanking
2:50pm - Remove again - apply light spanking
2:55pm - Remove again - apply 3 spankings -
3:10pm - Go to [still screaming] Jorey's room and calm her down - share with her that when I say it's nap time, it's nap time. Rub her back a little bit, and give her hugs...let her know that I love her and that it's not OK to go in Macy's room when it's nap time.
3:30pm - take lounger chair on the deck and try to close my eyes for 20 minutes.
3:50pm - hear Jorey screaming 'Mommy' from the top of the stairs - tell her to come down - get told that she can't come down because she has too much stuff - baby, blankie, lion, etc. Tell her, again, to come down.
4:15pm - Macy's up and wants to play in the pool - way too late for that. Have discussion about how we could have played in the pool if they listened, but they didn't, so we just can't.

5:00pm - Take babies and strollers for a walk around the neighborhood. Argue most of the time about whether or not they should or should not crash into one another - sometimes fun, sometimes not.
6:00pm - Put Mighty Joe Young in the DVD Player and relax with a nice TV Dinner.
7:00pm - Dinner's done, talk about snacks - Macy says she wants to pick first, then Jorey wants to be first...sort it out.
7:30pm - Jorey wants to watch movie on the couch with Macy, but Macy says she can't because she stinks. I ask Jorey if she pooped - 'No, I did not!', so who knows...maybe she does stink, but I thought she smelled fine.
8:30pm - Dad's finally home and I'm loving the silence as he puts them to bed.
9:15 - I'm going to take a bath!
Oh, I do love them, but today was a tough day for all of us!
Rewinding just a bit - Macy got some make-up kits for her birthday and she invited auntie Natalie and auntie Kenzie over for some make overs...here are a few shots of their unwavering beauty. :) Mackenzie had a large clump of orange 'sauce' on her eyelid for about 20 minutes...so funny.