Well, a few months ago, the discussion about whether to find out what we are having came up. Ken and I strongly disagreed. I didn't want to know. He really wanted to know. We compromised. At the 5-month check-up, we'll get it in an envelope and he can find out if he can keep it a secret. Well, it just didn't work.
First, at the ultrasound, the tech slipped at the end and said "his legs are closed". (or, we were pretty sure she said that). Then, at that first ultrasound, they gave us the envelope, but noticed that the baby's stomach looked a little small. So, I went back to just verify that it was A-OK. And, it measured just right...so that was excellent news. However, when the tech was getting started, I looked up at the screen, feeling very confident that I wouldn't be able to identify anything if I saw it. But, there it was...just the little snausage and the nuts staring me in the face...I looked away quickly - thinking that maybe it wasn't really what I saw and kindof in disbelief that it could even be a boy - with 3 girls in my family and 2 already in this one, I just assumed and kindof was planning for another one. So, with my mental block, I still wasn't totally convinced I knew what we were having. Then, the tech asks if I know what we're having and tells me that she's glad I missed the last shot because there was just a really good one of the baby's anatomy. Well, so then I'm almost certain I know it's a boy. How strange. For a couple weeks, I just told Ken I thought it was a girl and thought I saw something. Finally, on Tuesday of this week, he just couldn't take it any more and opened the envelope. Then, the cutest thing ever happened. He got a little teary, he had lots of perma-grin, and he kept hugging me, telling me that he just wants to tell me what it is. Well, I know he'd be happy with another girl, but really...is he going to tear up and need hugs and be permagrin? Likely, not. So, I'm 98% sure I know what it is, but don't want to look. Wednesday night comes and we're eating dinner. He hands me the envelope and tells me to look. We go back and forth all night until I had to leave to pick something up from work. When I leave, I start thinking that it's pretty silly to be stubborn and not look when I pretty much know what it is. So, I text him "I'll look when I get home." He replies, "Look for what?" (totally thought I was texting the wrong person.) I tell him that we can look at the ultrasound when I get home. So, the girls and I went upstairs with Daddy, sat on the bed, and opened. What a surprise when I saw "I'm your girl" on the bottom...nerdy Dad had taped a note over the real message. So, then, I pulled the note off and saw this,

I'm a little nervous and still in disbelief that our little ladies are going to have a brother. Their first question, "Can we put make-up on him?" Ha. He's going to be dressed up like a little princess a lot, I think. Oh, well. It'll make him a well rounded fella when he's older. Now, for a name...