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Monday, February 15, 2010

It's raunchy...

Macy - "Mom, I farted..."
Me -"Oh, ya?"
Macy - "It's raunchy..."
Me - "Great..."
Jorey - "Pew - that's a stinky one!"

we are a classy, classy bunch.


  1. Good stuff! Maybe not the fart itself, but definitely the reactions :)

  2. Love those stories!
    And consider yourself lucky! My niece's ex has a rule when their 7 year old is at his house that she must RUN to the bathroom and shut the door before she farts (and of course she can't say fart - only pass gas.)
    (she can't say Dude either-he told her it's a dirty word
    Love from the Oldest Blaha


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