-has a tupperware replacement deficiency - if you open the door of the cupboard and see some stacks of like-sized containers, you gently put the container WITH THE LID (that goes in a drawer and you know this) into the cupboard on top of containers that are 1/8 it's size.
-will not take the shoes off. no matter how dirty, they are clean. come on, love bug.
-folp-a-lot maximus - flop around in bed like you're trying to have the personal challenge of turning 360s while in the air.
-blow the raging trombone all night long next to you in bed - so loud sometimes that it wakes you. play that funky music, white boy.
that's just a small list of some dirty deeds that need to go away...
But then, he goes and does something so remarkable and unbelievable that you remember why you will try hard to ignore the previously stated items. It's like he can sense he's about to get that karate chop to the forehead and responds just in the nick of time...It's moments like this that the loud music plays in your head and you wonder how you were the luckiest girl in the world to find him. You think of all the hugs, kisses, extra phone calls (that generally annoy you, but you know they're great), and the wonderful father that he is to your kids and say ahhhhhh.
The girls got valentines, I got valentines, I got perfume, a necklace, earrings (i may or may not have been told by my eldest fledgeling that this was coming) If you look closely, you'll see a heart shaped box of Turtles. These were for me, but in addition to the first category today comes - giving chocolates and then eating most...but, then again, my butt and thighs don't need those chocolates anyways -- or, as Macy would say, ChLOCKates. Love bug, you're my man. I hope you have enjoyed your homemade dish cloth. It really was made with a lot of love -
OMG!! I forgot about the dishcloth! How did he like that?